Working With A Tree Service Company

After I realized that my entire yard was at risk because of our towering pine trees, I decided to start looking for a professional tree service company. I didn't necessarily want to chop the trees down, but I knew that they needed to be trimmed in order to keep millions of pine needles from falling all over my yard. It was a lot of work, but I decided that it would be smart to protect my investments. After finding a great business, it was incredible to see how well they trimmed the trees and tidied up the foliage. This blog is all about working with a great tree service.

How To Make Sure You Don’t Damage A Tree While Trimming It

23 March 2023
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While many people hire professionals to trim their trees, it is possible to do a good job of tree trimming on your own. You do, however, need to be careful that the trimming techniques you use don't cause more harm than good. Here are some key tips to follow to ensure you don't injure or harm a tree while trimming it.  Protect the leader This tip mostly comes into play when trimming young trees in which the central trunk is not yet too different-looking from the other branches. Read More …

Grinding Out A Dead Oak Tree’s Stump: Tips For A Smooth Removal Process

28 February 2023
 Categories: , Blog

If you've recently had to remove a dead oak tree from your property, you may have been left with an unsightly stump that's not only an eyesore but also a potential hazard. Grinding out a dead oak tree's stump can be a laborious process, but with the right tools and techniques, you can achieve a smooth removal process. Here are five tips for successfully grinding out an oak tree stump. Read More …

What Goes Up… Protect Your Landscape When A Tree Comes Down

30 January 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Removing a tree is a vital part of protecting your home, your family, and even your neighbors. But it's also a big job with the potential for serious damage to the landscape around it. If you need to have a tree removed, here are a few ways that both you and the tree service can work to minimize yard damage.  1. Remove What You Can One of the easiest steps you can take is to try to move as many things as possible out of the way. Read More …

Why Hiring Tree Removal Experts Should Always Be The First Option

9 January 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Trees are usually a great investment in your home because they offer shade, beautify your landscape, and enhance your quality of life. Unfortunately, they could still be a nuisance if they are not in good shape. For instance, dead, broken, weak, or dying trees could greatly threaten or compromise your safety. They could also cause unnecessary damage to your property. The diseased trees are also problematic because they can spread diseases to the healthy ones. Read More …

2 Reasons Not To Cut Down A Damaged Tree In Your Yard Yourself

6 December 2022
 Categories: , Blog

After a major storm blew through your area, you may have found that one of your trees appears severely damaged. Because of this, you may be thinking about going ahead and cutting it down yourself before the branches break or the tree itself falls. However, before you get out a chainsaw and ladder, you should reconsider attempting to cut down and remove the tree yourself. There are a couple of reasons why it would be better to contact a professional service to have them look at the tree instead. Read More …