Tips To Help You Trim And Care For Your Yard Trees

After I realized that my entire yard was at risk because of our towering pine trees, I decided to start looking for a professional tree service company. I didn't necessarily want to chop the trees down, but I knew that they needed to be trimmed in order to keep millions of pine needles from falling all over my yard. It was a lot of work, but I decided that it would be smart to protect my investments. After finding a great business, it was incredible to see how well they trimmed the trees and tidied up the foliage. This blog is all about working with a great tree service.

Tips To Help You Trim And Care For Your Yard Trees

22 March 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Yard care and protecting your landscaping are essential to keep your home and garden looking their best and in good health. Trees can be a large part of your yard's environment, as they provide many elements to the environment and its appearance. The following provides you with some tips to help you take care of your landscaping trees with the right trimming and care.

Arrange For Professional Care 

Not all your yard trees are going to be of a size that you can take care of on your own. The best policy to consider when deciding if you can take care of your tree's trimming is to look at the height. If the tree is so tall that you need a ladder or other scaffolding to reach the limbs to trim, it is best to hire a tree professional. You don't want to risk a fall from your ladder with a chainsaw or a tree lopper. And if you plan to use tree spikes to climb up into the tree, be aware that this can damage your tree's bark and its health.

Another reason you will need to hire a tree professional is if your tree is showing signs of disease on the tree. A tree professional is better able to give the tree the right care to remove disease and protect the health of the tree and protect surrounding trees from the disease spreading.

Complete Spring Maintenance

Springtime is the best time to take care of your tree's care and trimming maintenance, as long as they are of a manageable height. Make sure you have the right trimming tools that are sharpened so they don't cause damage to the bark with dull edges. When you trim in the spring, the tree is still dormant and the sap has not begun to run yet, so the trimming you complete won't affect the tree's spring growth patterns.

Use pruning shears to cut off small twigs and loppers to remove branches that are slightly larger. For branches that are several inches in diameter, it is best to use a hand saw or a pole saw to trim the branch off at a lateral angle.

Start out by trimming off any dead or broken branches. Then, if any branches rub, trim off one of them to prevent future breaks. Look to remove any branches that are growing straight upward, as they pose a risk of breaking. Also, look at the angle of a branch's growth and remove it if the angle is small, as it gives the branches a weaker strength to hold up in a windstorm or under a layer of snow.

Contact a tree service company to learn more.