2 Landscaping Trees That Are More Trouble Than They Are Worth
It would not be too much of an exaggeration to say that trees make the yard. Not only that, but by boosting the curb appeal of a home, they also contribute to improving its value. Yet certain types of trees can turn out to be more of a liability than a gain. If you are considering adding new trees to your property, read on. This article will discuss two types of trees you are best off avoiding.
Silver Maple
There's no denying that the silver maple is an attractive tree--heck, even its name is pretty! Add to that the fact its numerous other attractions--that it grows quickly, has a pleasing symmetrical shape, offers lots of shade, and has a broadleaf canopy-- it's easy to see why this tree remains a popular choice among homeowners looking to revamp their yard. Yet the silver maple is one example where some of the tree's positive qualities end up working against it.
Here the issue has to do with that remarkable growth rate. While it's true this means your tree will develop at a rapid pace, it also results in wood that simply isn't that strong. The weak trunks and branches of silver maples are thus especially vulnerable to breaking off during even minor storms. In addition, the root systems of silver maples tend to be quite invasive, often causing clogs in sewage pipes and cracks where they grow beneath sidewalks.
Lombardy Poplar
Here is another species that has long been prized for its attractive qualities and quick growth rate. The neat, columnar appearance of Lombardy poplars makes them especially popular for planting in rows along walkways or fence lines. Yet here the problem is that Lombardy poplars simply aren't that healthy. As a result, they have a tendency to succumb to a variety of different diseases and insect infestations that can leave them looking ravaged and decidedly unattractive.
The problems don't stop there, however. Once you finally decide that those sickly Lombardy poplars have got to go, you will find them very difficult to actually remove. That's because cutting a tree down is not enough to keep its root system from sprouting up new growth nearby. Thus you will have to go through the extra hard work and labor of removing the tree roots and all. For this reason, more and more homeowners are abandoning the Lombardy poplar as a landscaping tree. To learn more, contact a company like Brown's Tree Service.